Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Aig Accounting Scandal

Guidelines for Memos A list of resources for good business writing appears at the end of this document. It is strongly recommended that any serious business person consider owning writing resources. Written communication is often the distinguishing factor in determining career success in any business or government environment. The following are general guidelines intended to assist the student attempting to write a business memo for the first time. A memo (short for memorandum which is latin for thing to be remembered) is used extensively for internal business communication.Every company or government has its own format but typically there is a centered heading â€Å"Memorandum† at the top of the page, followed by left indented sub-headings â€Å"To:† (followed by â€Å"CC:† where appropriate), â€Å"From:†, â€Å"Date:† and â€Å"Subject:†. Note that CC is short for Carbon Copy – individuals who are receiving a copy of the memo for in formation purposes only. Typically memos are written to announce, clarify, respond, question or address any important issue within the entity. Memos are brief – few are longer than a page – so writers must choose their words carefully.Since they will be read by colleagues, managers, subordinates, etc. , a sloppy or inaccurate or long-winded memo can result in readers questioning the competence of the author. The addressee, any copied recipients and the sender are all identified only by name and title, e. g. John Smith, Manager, Internal Control. Telephone extension numbers or e-mail addresses can also be included, optionally. The Subject line should tell the reader exactly what the memo is about in as few words as possible. Examples are: â€Å"New Delivery Schedule for C-920†, â€Å"Policy re. Car Pooling†, â€Å"Christmas Shutdown Dates†, etc.The body of the memo need not be as formal as a letter since the recipients all work for the same company. Having said that, the more senior the audience, the more formal the style. However, in-house jargon and/or acronyms are acceptable (e. g. â€Å"as per CLQ regs. † or â€Å"this is consistent with RM-30†). Further, an informal or conversational style with short forms is also acceptable, particularly when the memo is being written to a colleague. Note that the reason for communicating by memo rather than by phone or personal visit, is so the sender and recipient have written evidence concerning the subject at hand.Therefore, the language chosen must be clear enough that there is no doubt as to how the subject will be treated and what course future actions will take. The reality is many memos are written to protect the writer rather than inform the recipient. Business Communication Resources Alred, G. J. , Brusaw, C. T. , & Oliu, W. E. (2006). The business writer’s handbook (8th ed. ). Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s. Guffey, M. E. , & Almonte, R. (2013). Esse ntials of business communication (7th Canadian ed. ). Toronto: Nelson. (includes sections on resumes, cover letters, speaking skills and career search) Guffey, M. E. , Loewy, D. , Rhodes, K. Rogin, P. (2013). Business communication : Process and product (4th Brief Canadian ed. ). Toronto: Nelson. (includes sections on resumes, cover letters and career search) Locker, K. O. , Kaczmarek, S. K. , Braun, K. (2010). Business communication: Building critical skills (4th Canadian ed. ). Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson. Harty, K. J. (2008). Strategies for business and technical writing (6th ed. ). New York: Pearson Longman. Lindsell-Roberts, S. (2006). 135 tips for writing successful business documents. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co. Davis, K. (2010) The McGraw-Hill 36-Hour Course in Business writing and Communications.New York: McGraw-Hill. Hogue, A. (2004) The Essentials of English: A Writer's Handbook. White Plains, NY. : Pearson Education (lots of grammar/punctuation resources) Strunk Jr. , W. & White, E. B. (1999 or 2011) The Elements of Style. New York: Pearson Longman (brief classic guide to common writing mistakes and corrections) Zinsser, W. (2006) On Writing Well: The Classic Guide to Writing Non-Fiction. New York: Harper (another very brief classic guide considered helpful by most writers) Online Writing Lab at Purdue University: http://owl. english. purdue. edu/owl/ (arguably the best online resource, covering a broad range of useful topics) Aig Accounting Scandal Guidelines for Memos A list of resources for good business writing appears at the end of this document. It is strongly recommended that any serious business person consider owning writing resources. Written communication is often the distinguishing factor in determining career success in any business or government environment. The following are general guidelines intended to assist the student attempting to write a business memo for the first time. A memo (short for memorandum which is latin for thing to be remembered) is used extensively for internal business communication.Every company or government has its own format but typically there is a centered heading â€Å"Memorandum† at the top of the page, followed by left indented sub-headings â€Å"To:† (followed by â€Å"CC:† where appropriate), â€Å"From:†, â€Å"Date:† and â€Å"Subject:†. Note that CC is short for Carbon Copy – individuals who are receiving a copy of the memo for in formation purposes only. Typically memos are written to announce, clarify, respond, question or address any important issue within the entity. Memos are brief – few are longer than a page – so writers must choose their words carefully.Since they will be read by colleagues, managers, subordinates, etc. , a sloppy or inaccurate or long-winded memo can result in readers questioning the competence of the author. The addressee, any copied recipients and the sender are all identified only by name and title, e. g. John Smith, Manager, Internal Control. Telephone extension numbers or e-mail addresses can also be included, optionally. The Subject line should tell the reader exactly what the memo is about in as few words as possible. Examples are: â€Å"New Delivery Schedule for C-920†, â€Å"Policy re. Car Pooling†, â€Å"Christmas Shutdown Dates†, etc.The body of the memo need not be as formal as a letter since the recipients all work for the same company. Having said that, the more senior the audience, the more formal the style. However, in-house jargon and/or acronyms are acceptable (e. g. â€Å"as per CLQ regs. † or â€Å"this is consistent with RM-30†). Further, an informal or conversational style with short forms is also acceptable, particularly when the memo is being written to a colleague. Note that the reason for communicating by memo rather than by phone or personal visit, is so the sender and recipient have written evidence concerning the subject at hand.Therefore, the language chosen must be clear enough that there is no doubt as to how the subject will be treated and what course future actions will take. The reality is many memos are written to protect the writer rather than inform the recipient. Business Communication Resources Alred, G. J. , Brusaw, C. T. , & Oliu, W. E. (2006). The business writer’s handbook (8th ed. ). Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s. Guffey, M. E. , & Almonte, R. (2013). Esse ntials of business communication (7th Canadian ed. ). Toronto: Nelson. (includes sections on resumes, cover letters, speaking skills and career search) Guffey, M. E. , Loewy, D. , Rhodes, K. Rogin, P. (2013). Business communication : Process and product (4th Brief Canadian ed. ). Toronto: Nelson. (includes sections on resumes, cover letters and career search) Locker, K. O. , Kaczmarek, S. K. , Braun, K. (2010). Business communication: Building critical skills (4th Canadian ed. ). Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson. Harty, K. J. (2008). Strategies for business and technical writing (6th ed. ). New York: Pearson Longman. Lindsell-Roberts, S. (2006). 135 tips for writing successful business documents. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co. Davis, K. (2010) The McGraw-Hill 36-Hour Course in Business writing and Communications.New York: McGraw-Hill. Hogue, A. (2004) The Essentials of English: A Writer's Handbook. White Plains, NY. : Pearson Education (lots of grammar/punctuation resources) Strunk Jr. , W. & White, E. B. (1999 or 2011) The Elements of Style. New York: Pearson Longman (brief classic guide to common writing mistakes and corrections) Zinsser, W. (2006) On Writing Well: The Classic Guide to Writing Non-Fiction. New York: Harper (another very brief classic guide considered helpful by most writers) Online Writing Lab at Purdue University: http://owl. english. purdue. edu/owl/ (arguably the best online resource, covering a broad range of useful topics)

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Importance and Application of Principles of Management in the Present Day Context

The aim of all good modern organizations is to reconcile the organizational purpose (whether this be profit for shareholders, or cost-effective services delivery, in the case of public services) with the needs and feelings of people (staff, customers, suppliers, local communities, stakeholders, etc) with proper consideration for the planet – the world we live in (in terms of sustainability, environment, wildlife, natural resources, our heritage, ‘fair trade', other cultures and societies, etc) and at all times acting with probity – encompassing love, integrity, compassion, honesty, and truth.Probity enables the other potentially conflicting aims to be harmonized so that the mix is sustainable, ethical and successful. [pic] Traditional inward-looking management and leadership skills (which historically considered only the purpose – typically profit – and the methods for achieving it) are no longer sufficient for sustainable organizational success. Org anizations have a far wider agenda today. Management Management is the process of reaching organizational goals by working with people and other resources.Or knowing what you want people to do, and then getting them to do it the best way. Managers must concentrate on reaching organizational goals, and they should use their resources to accomplish those goals. For many years the management process has been divided into principles, sometimes called functions. Some sources will state that there are five principles and others will say there are four. Here we will use four: planning, organizing, influencing, and controlling. Some people use decision making as a fifth principle, but we will use decision making as part of the planning process.Also, some use leading instead of influencing, but we like the term influencing better. Management is a continuing process, and managers are always involved in some way with these principles. These principles are designed to help managers accomplish o rganizational objectives, and good managers will use them. These principles are not isolated but are interwoven throughout the manager’s thoughts and actions. Managers must combine and coordinate these principles and must maximize their value to achieve their goals.Managers strive to be effective and efficient and these principles help them. These management principles are universal and applicable to all types of businesses and organizations The basic ideas regarding scientific management developed. They include the following: †¢ Developing new standard methods for doing each job †¢ Selecting, training, and developing workers instead of allowing them to choose their own tasks and train themselves †¢ Developing a spirit of cooperation between workers and management to ensure that work is carried out in accordance with devised procedures Dividing work between workers and management in almost equal shares, with each group taking over the work for which it is best fitted Principles of Management The principles of management derive their significance from their utility. They provide useful insights to managerial behavior and influence managerial practices. Managers may apply these principles to fulfill their tasks and responsibilities. Principles guide managers in taking and implementing decisions. It may be appreciated that everything worthwhile is governed by an underlying principle.The quest of the management theorists has been and should be to unearth the underlying principles with a view to using these under repetitive circumstances as a matter of management habit. [pic] The significance of principles of management can be discussed in terms of the following points: †¢ Providing managers with useful insights into reality: The principles of management provide the managers with useful insights into real world situations. Adherence to these principles will add to their knowledge, ability and understanding of managerial situations and cir cumstances.It will also enable managers to learn from past mistakes and conserve time by solving recurring problems quickly. As such management principles increase managerial efficiency. For example, a manager can leave routine decision-making to his subordinates and deal with exceptional situations which require her/his expertise by following the principles of delegation. †¢ Optimum utilization of resources and effective administration: Resources both human and material available with the company are limited. They have to be put to optimum use.By optimum use we mean that the resources should be put to use in such a manner that they should give maximum benefit with minimum cost. Principles equip the managers to foresee the cause and effect relationships of their decisions and actions. As such the wastages associated with a trial-and-error approach can be overcome. Principles of management limit the boundary of managerial discretion so that their decisions may be free from perso nal prejudices and biases †¢ Scientific decisions: Decisions must be based on facts, thoughtful and justifiable in terms of the intended purposes.They must be timely, realistic and subject to measurement and evaluation. Management principles help in thoughtful decision-making. They emphasize logic rather than blind faith. Management decisions taken on the basis of principles are free from bias and prejudice. They are based on the objective assessment of the situation. †¢ Meeting changing environment requirements: Although the principles are in the nature of general guidelines but they are modified and as such help managers to meet changing requirements of the environment.You have already studied that management principles are flexible to adapt to dynamic business environment. For example, management principles emphasize division of work and specialization. In modern times this principle has been extended to the entire business whereby companies are specializing in their co re competency and divesting non-core businesses. In this context, one may cite the decision of Hindustan Lever Limited in divesting non-core businesses of chemicals and seeds. Some companies are outsourcing their non-core activities like share-transfer management and advertising to outside agencies.So much so, that even core processes such as R&D, manufacturing and marketing are being outsourced today. †¢ Fulfilling social responsibility: The increased awareness of the public, forces businesses especially limited companies to fulfill their social responsibilities. Management theory and management principles have also evolved in response to these demands. Moreover, the interpretation of the principles also assumes newer and contemporary meanings with the change in time. So, if one were to talk of ‘equity’ today, it does not apply to wages alone.Value to the customer, care for the environment, and dealings with business associates would all come under the purview of this principle. †¢ Management training, education and research: Principles of management are at the core of management theory. As such these are used as a basis for management training, education and research. You must be aware that entrance to management institutes is preceded by management aptitude tests. Do you think that these tests could have been developed without an understanding of management principles and how they may be applied in different situations?These principles provide basic groundwork for the development of management as a discipline. Principles of Scientific Management In the earlier days of the Industrial Revolution, in the absence of an established theory of factory organization, factory owners or managers relied on personal judgment in attending to the problems they confronted in the course of managing their work. This is what is referred to as ‘rule of thumb’. Managing factories by rule of thumb enabled them to handle the situations as they arose but suffered from the limitation of a trial and error approach.For their experiences to be emulated, it was important to know what works and why does it work. For this, there was a need to follow an approach that was based on the method of science- Defining a problem, developing alternative solutions, anticipating consequences, measuring progress and drawing conclusions The Main principles of management applied today are: †¢ Division of Work: Work is divided into small tasks/jobs. A trained specialist who is competent is required to perform each job. Thus, division of work leads to specialization. Specialization produces more and better work with the same effort. Authority and responsibility: Authority is the right to give orders and the power to exact obedience. A manager has official authority because of her position, as well as personal authority based on individual personality, intelligence, and experience. Authority creates responsibility. †¢ Discipline: Discipl ine is the obedience to organizational rules and employment agreement which are necessary for the working of the organization. According to Fayol, discipline requires good superiors at all levels, clear and fair agreements and judicious application of penalties. Unity of Command: An employee should receive orders from only one superior. †¢ Unity of Direction: Organizational activities must have one central authority and one plan of action. †¢ Subordination of Individual Interest to General Interest: The interests of one employee or group of employees are subordinate to the interests and goals of the organization. †¢ Remuneration of personnel: Salaries – the price of services rendered by employees – should be fair and provide satisfaction both to the employee and employer. Centralization and Decentralization: The concentration of decision-making authority is called centralization whereas its dispersal among more than one person is known as decentralizatio n. The objective of centralization is the best utilization of personnel. The degree of centralization varies according to the dynamics of each organization. †¢ Scalar Chain: An organization consists of superiors and subordinates. The formal lines of authority from highest to lowest ranks are known as scalar chain. †¢ Order: Organizational order for materials and personnel is essential.The right materials and the right employees are necessary for each organizational function and activity. †¢ Equity: In organizations, equity is a combination of kindliness and justice. Both equity and equality of treatment should be considered when dealing with employees. †¢ Stability of tenure of personnel: To attain the maximum productivity of personnel, a stable work force is needed. †¢ Initiative: Thinking out a plan and ensuring its success is an extremely strong motivator. Zeal, energy, and initiative are desired at all levels of the organizational ladder. Esprit de corps : Teamwork is fundamentally important to an organization. Work teams and extensive face-to-face verbal communication encourages teamwork. Change management is a basic skill in which most leaders and managers need to be competent. When leaders or managers are planning to manage change, there are five key principles that need to be kept in mind: †¢ Different people react differently to change †¢ Everyone has fundamental needs that have to be met †¢ Change often involves a loss, and people go through the â€Å"loss curve† †¢ Expectations need to be managed realistically †¢ Fears have to be dealt withHow to apply the above principles when managing change: †¢ Give people choices to make, and be honest about the possible consequences of those choices. †¢ Where it is possible to do so, give individuals opportunity to express their concerns and provide reassurances – also to help assuage potential fears. †¢ Give people information â€⠀œ be open and honest about the facts, but don't give overoptimistic speculation. †¢ For large groups, produce a communication strategy that ensures information is disseminated efficiently and comprehensively to everyone (don't let the grapevine take over). Keep observing good management practice, such as making time for informal discussion and feedback (even though the pressure might seem that it is reasonable to let such things slip – during difficult change such practices are even more important). †¢ Give people time, to express their views, and support their decision making, providing coaching, counseling or information as appropriate, to help them through the loss curve. †¢ Where the change involves a loss, identifies what will or might replace that loss – loss is easier to cope with if there is something to replace it. This will help assuage potential fears.

Importance Of Purpose Audience Tone And Content In Academic Writing and two methods of weight lose Essay

?Importance Of Purpose Audience Tone And Content In Academic Writing Purpose audience tone and content all of these are part of writing process and are extremely important for a good piece of academic writing. Paragraph divide ideas into logical and manageable parts. Purpose, tone and audience these three elements shape the content of each paragraph. Purpose: The reason why the writer is writing the paragraph and what is his hope to achieve with the paper. Without a sturdy purpose the paper is worthless. Tone: The thoughts the writer conveys about the paragraph’s subject. If the tone is not appropriately chosen and used all through the paper then it can seem cluttered and possibly even incoherent. Audience: It’s extremely significant and this is the individual or group whom the writer intends to reach or address. It may be a specific group, teacher, student or general group. Fig: Purpose, Audience, Tone, and Content Triangle (source: https://new. edu/resources/purpose-audience-tone-and-content) From the figure we can see that purpose , audience and tone all are focuses to content. Introduction: Weight loss, in the context of medicine, health, or physical fitness, is a reduction of the total body mass, due to a mean loss of fluid, body fat oradipose tissue and/or lean mass, namely bone mineral deposits, muscle, tendon, and other connective tissue. Weight loss is one of today’s most trendy obsessions among individuals. Weight loss can have positive and negative consequence on an individual. It can occur unintentionally due to an underlying disease or can arise from a conscious effort to improve an actual or perceived overweight or obese state. Weight loss in the context of medicine , health or fitness , is a reduction in body mass of an individual, because of an average loss of liquid , fat or tissue such as muscle , tendon or tissue conjunctive . One of today’s most popular obsessions among individuals is weight loss. Weight loss can have positive and negative implication on an individual. A large of number of people now day checks out new ways to lose weight to fit modern way of life. A few people favor to use artificial techniques similar to consuming pills and equipment claiming to provide weight loss, at the same time others try natural procedures such as modifying diet, lifestyle, and cardio-training and the techniques for burning fat.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 118

Case Study Example The movement of a company to a place with lower taxation regulations allows it to capitalize on the legislations present and attain as much investment and revenue from its activities. This provides it with a better way of looking at things and provides new opportunities that will boost its future investments (Lamb, 2012). Political motivation could also be a boost as it works on strengthening commitment to that country and providing more strength to its corporation. It will build good repute with the new economic aspects present to provide better commitment. It also positions the company as a global player and provides different investors with investment opportunities (Bischoff-Turner, 2008). The most important goal is to provide new avenues that will boost a country’s position in terms of employment opportunities. Relocations will see a loss of revenue, loss of jobs and more doubts about the country’s potential to sustain economic growth and development (Bischoff-Turner, 2008). High-quality service provisions may lack in the new area, and that could influence the company negatively as it seeks to attract new clients and provide them with quality services. It is always important to look into the impact this will have on its service provision (Lamb, 2012). The movement of a HQ from one country or city to the next will depend on the benefits noted in that particular area. The problem with this is the inability to generate the required amount to sustain the business in the new area and lack of stringent measures to pursue a competitive edge in the new area (Lamb, 2012). If these were sorted out, it would be good to move. The company will also move if the intended gains are both in terms of revenue and investor visibility. If the gains are more to the company and shareholder investments, the movement will be ideal, and the HQ will be relocated (Bischoff-Turner, 2008). Setting the right

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Sustainable management futures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Sustainable management futures - Essay Example iv) The employee involved in whistle blowing should have stumbled with credible documentary evidence that convinces observers of the correctness of the circumstance where the product brings grave harm to the public. iv) The whistle blower should have a valid reason in believing that by informing the public, the necessary corrective measures will effected. v) The situation involving death or serious body injuries should be treat as severe than non physical harm and that the whistle blower is ready to take responsibility. Loyalty and integrity: The role they play in whistle blowing Personal loyalty is steadfastness of an individual in asserting allegiance, perseverance and upholding faithfulness to others. Integrity on the other hand refers to consistency of truthfulness to ones value system and moral principles by showing this consistency in ones day to day life. Loyalty informs the power of mutual respect, being confidential and keeping promises. In some cases, loyalty can be misplac ed or blind so that it diminishes from being a virtue as harm and not good emanates. Loyalty puts the profit motive of a firm in collision with loyalty to values, beliefs and ethos. Whistle blowing is not a capricious issue as it can cause an end to organizations or a person’s existence. ... It comprises employee protection for disclosing some information including evidence of activities that are illegal or adverse to the environment.They also protects employees from employer retribution like dismissal and promotional blackmail. The victimised individuals can obtain a remedy in the courts for compensation. The prescribed persons are the registrar for data protection, executives for health and safety, environmental agency, certification officer, and trade and industry secretary of state. Is â€Å"Whistle blowing a negative or positive force within society?† Whistle blowing has been a useful force to the society since many employers have started to constitute internal processes of reporting emerging issues. There is a new desire by companies to solve problems internally before they become public. Employers would find it apprehensive when employees choose to use the Act and not the internal processes created. Though it does not force employers to come up with policie s regarding disclosures, many do not know the existence of such policies. Examining the extent the ethics of lying in business transactions Lying in most situations is indispensable. It is the only way to keep the business moving when the stocks and profits are crippling. Investors would hear none of the failures that is shouted truthfully. Robert Diamond the CEO of Barclays Group did not acknowledge the deception that the bank gave to the London Interbank Offered Rate which affected the transactions of a huge amount. They had misreported interest rates. Even the bonuses to be paid to employees were clawed back. Mr. Diamond was forced to resign. Lying is unethical and results in poor business practices as seen the case

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Meticulous review of the professional life Essay

Meticulous review of the professional life - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that the author’s professional biography is a less formal version of his professional information that would usually appear in his curriculum vitae, and it will highlight some of his interesting facts as well as a little of his personality. Generally, it will give the reader a precise account of who the researcher is, what he does as well as provide his expertise, credibility, experience, and background. All these components will help in developing trust in the author’s professional brand. The researcher’s biography will detail the factors that influenced his decision to become a nurse, his studying experience, his foundational achievements, and the general experience after author’s graduation and how it has affected his life. This will enable him to critically examine his professional needs, weaknesses, and strengths, which will help in correcting any mistakes and improving on his strong areas. The author grew u p in a caring family where all family members took care of each other regardless of their age. Furthermore, all members of his community collaborated in many activities, and the emotional attachment made sure that the author felt other people’s happiness or sadness. Cultural values are the enduring belief systems that a society commits to. The researcher’s culture adopted a collectivistic approach where personal loyalty to the community exceeded individual rights. This entailed that even health decisions were made by the family or the community.... Therefore, I decide to enroll for a nursing course to develop my cultural values and enable me to have the necessary skills to extend similar care and support to those that require it. Nurses must utilize a wide range of communication approaches, both verbal and non-verbal, in acquiring, interpreting and recording the knowledge and in understanding people’s needs. Thus, they must incorporate the beliefs and values in their communication with others. Furthermore, nurses must recognize the anxiety and distress in their patients and respond effectively through therapeutic principles. This ensures promotion of their well-being, management of personal safety and resolution of conflicts. Lastly, a nurse must know when to seek consultation from a third party and when to make referrals for arbitration, mediation, and advocacy (Nursing & Midwifery Council). Since I am a sociable and friendly individual I developed an interest in nursing as it would give me an avenue to interact, know a nd assist people. Saudi Arabia’s first formal nursing training, coordinated by the country’s Ministry of Health and World Health Organization, had male students only and admitted students with at least six years in elementary school for a one-year program. Eventually, with the progress in female education, the training was extended to a three year course and admissions were open to students who had completed nine years in elementary education. Saudi Arabia’s MOH then introduced a post-high school nursing training program alongside the post intermediate nursing training program. The continuous upgrading led to the introduction of Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in Nursing programs (KFSHRC). I enrolled for a

Friday, July 26, 2019

Business and or the economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Business and or the economy - Essay Example In addition, small businesses face the need to downsize. However, the impact of a slowing economy on a small business depends upon the type of small business. In a slowing economy, small businesses involved in vehicle and property repossessions thrive. Likewise, small business owners with a strong financial base find the slowing economy as the right time to buy out their competitors. Small businesses show better adjustment and adaptation to a changing economy. This can primarily be attributed to the fact that decision making is easier and faster in small businesses as compared to the decision making in large businesses. Hence, small businesses can easily make the required changes as per the need of the hour. This is a very informative article about the effects of economy on businesses in general and on small businesses in particular. It not only explains the risks of changing economy on small businesses, but also touches upon ways in which those risks can be turned into

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Micrometerology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Micrometerology - Essay Example If the south faces slop to its north hemisphere or north faces slope to its south hemisphere then the temperature in such areas is likely to be higher than the opposing slopes because sunlight stays longer on such surfaces causing longer warmth. In this regard a practical exercise was conducted to evaluate variations along the university. There were two group who spotted variations at 8 different locations from 1200 hours to 1230 hours. Whereas the factors used for the study were Soil temperature, Air temperature (at shoulder height), Relative Humidity, Wind speed (at shoulder height). According to the findings of first location, the maximum air temperature was recorded at 12.3 which was 5.6 0C while minimum temperature was at 12.15pm. In second location, the maximum temperature was 6.8 0C. In third location the highest recorded air temperature was 110C which is the highest all variations recorded so far. In fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth location the air temperature was noted highest at 8.60C, 3.00C, 4.30C and 5.2 respectively. Soil temperature along the university surrounding revealed some sort of consistency except the seventh location where the average variations were no doubt consistent over time but the temperature of soil at seventh location was the maximum given all the locations and time frame for temperature analysis. Besides these recorded soil temperatures, the lowest temperature documented was at 3.40C around 12.05pm. The graphical pattern of findings also reflected an inconsistent soil temperature across university. Third factor reported in the study was relative humidity. The highest percentage of relative humidity came to light at 12.30 pm in the fourth location whereas the lowest percentage was in the first location at 12.05 hours. The percentage of humidity would also refer to the moister around the university The statistical findings of micro climate

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Nursing research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 30

Nursing research - Essay Example On the hand, reading a report and critically assessing it will help an organization identify whether the research was evidence-based before utilizing the report. In effect, an organization will only implement a research report that was peer reviewed and its utilization will promote positive outcomes in an organization. The fundamental role of nursing research is to provide evidence-based practice that aims at improving the quality of care that an organization provided. However, improving the quality of care in a healthcare organization is only possible if an organization’s process of research utilization is in an approach that was both effective and efficient. To achieve a successful research utilization process, an organization should use the most effective research utilization model to turn the knowledge in research into practice. In line with this, nurses should identify a model that fit into an organization’s culture and structure in order to maximize the knowledge from research into practice. On the other hand, evidence based practice provide the approaches that the findings and knowledge from research will be utilized in an organization

Should affirmative action be used to eliminate injustice Essay

Should affirmative action be used to eliminate injustice - Essay Example Even though we would like to believe that discrimination of minorities is outlawed, subtle and covert forms of discrimination exist across all societal systems. It exists not just in practise but also in the thinking of man, conscious and unconscious biases regarding minorities undervalue their qualities and overvalue the qualities of the majority. Another point to be noted here is that all the major universities in the world, all major companies in the world, everyone who has a say in the ‘ladder to successes’ is looking for candidates who are academically motivated, confident, have high self-esteem and are goal-oriented. These traits are created, honed and maintained by a system which is mostly majority governed. However, academic motivation is a little hard to come by in public schools where teachers are rarely around. Similarly, notions of confidence, high self-esteem and motivation would never go down well with a single mother who is left with the responsibility of raising her kid on her own. How can we possibly question the goal-orientation of a candidate from a ghetto, if all he could hear in the streets each day was the sound of rapid gun fire? The poverty and economic disadvantage that many minority groups suffer deprive them of the traits that most ideal positions require. But are there any laws written to counter the psychological and social costs of discrimination which rarely end within a single generation? Considering the hue and cry being made over the need for objectivity in the distribution of benefits, isn’t overlooking the differentials that deny access to benefits for certain groups, being subjective? Affirmative action – the way ahead It is under these circumstances of injustices that the author believes affirmative action becomes imperative. Affirmative action works to bridge the gap of discrimination which we knowingly or unknowingly create. Most times affirmative action is not about bringing the competition dow n to the level of the minorities; it is about removing the upper edge majorities have gained, having played the game over centuries. The author believes that affirmative action should be used as a tool to eliminate injustice because affirmative action, per say, is not about being fair, it is about eliminating notions of pride and superiority that come from culturally sanctioned positions, enjoyed unknowingly by a majority due to the accident of birth. It thus helps level a rough playing field, removing barriers from the path of particular groups who have been stunted in their attempt to reach success. Hence, affirmative action helps eliminate injustice by being unjust itself. Answering the critics Critics and proponents of the concept of affirmative action often see it as an act of charity, a generosity shown to justify the wrongs their ancestors had committed; it is from here that the feeling of inferiority creeps in. In the 1950s when a white male was given preference for a job ov er an equally deserving black male, it was never seen as charity. Nor is it considered charity when a government today gives humongous tax breaks to a ‘deserving’

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The importance of group work in educational process Essay

The importance of group work in educational process - Essay Example Summarizing is essential to any hand written essay when ever that essay is needed to help people learn about what one might have seen, read or heard. It is used by millions everywhere at every minute in all possible kinds of assignments. What needs to be understood about these summaries is that one needs to recognize when one has to go from explaining and describing to offer a better and a more complex analysis. The group was asked to write on their experience on the work they had done together. And on the time they had spend together as a group working on the assignment that they had been assigned. The few points that this report would signify are: The introduction The makings of a good group-essay A reflective essay Networking and mentoring The Introduction In the start the class was asked to divide into groups of preferably 4 to 5 people. This was the most optimal limit of the groups. The class was also asked to have different personalities in the group, as different personalities brought different aspects to the group. The members chose each other on the basis of nationalities. Though there were almost five different nationalities in the group, the mode of conversation was English as it is understood by most of them. They were Annette, Alan, Rinkesh, and Mohammed. This particular group had quite a few nations, like Hong Kong, India, Arabia, china so they all brought their culture and diversity to the group. The group went through four steps of group work. These four steps are described by Tuckan as ‘forming,’ ‘storming,’ ‘norming’ and ‘performing’ (Hingst & Lowe, 2008, 157-165). Accordingly the group came together and introduced themselves in the first stage of forming. In this stage the discussion was light hearted and the topic of the project was discussed. There was no hierarchy managed. Everyone was given an equal chance to speak and put forward their ideas. During this stage no real work was done. In the next stage, the stage called storming; the members were now more in the form of better ways and means of giving out their opinions. In this stage the members become more comfortable with each other and even start taking up different positions as the leaders or the followers. This stage had more acceptance than any of the other stages did. In the next stage (performing), the members became a lot more alert of their jobs and tried to stick to them more and more, they also tried to get more work done and as soon as possible too. In this stage the members had more conflicts and their resolution led to a better understanding between the members of the group. The makings of a good group-essay As the group was required to work on writing an essay, so they needed to identify what made an essay good and what took it beyond good. They learnt that essay marking is divided into five groups which are: 1. Pre-structural 2. Uni-structural 3. Multi-structural 4. Relational 5. Extended abstract The best essay belongs to the category of either Relational or the Extended Abstracts. A college essay is expected of these levels. In these categories the essay shows the high level of understanding which is demonstrated by the number of and method of collection of data/ideas. This is very much obvious from the way the students write, express and explain themselves and their ideas about any number of situations and scenarios. They also show how much they grasped from the theme of the topic by cross-questioning. Both these categories are awarded Distinctions, and high-awards. Unlike these categories the other essays belong to the first three categories which have essays which either dwindle ion the edge of the topic or are not even close to it. These essays show lack of understanding and comprehension and are usually covered up by mismatched points and stories. A reflective essay A reflective essay is one which describes ones communication experiences acquired during any group-work and helps one to put these experiences into practical use by matching them to the theories and concepts learnt in

Monday, July 22, 2019

Enterprise Architecture Proposal Essay Example for Free

Enterprise Architecture Proposal Essay Submitted December 4, 2011 Description The organization I have selected is the company I work for, CMH Systems. The core functions of this business are Therapy, Counseling, Placement, and Job skills to name a few. This is a Mental Health Organization that compiles and disburses many services, including Doctors, Prescriptions, Hospitalization, and Housing of Mentally or emotionally challenged individuals. Protecting client information is essential. The integrity of such information is critical. We are currently in an affiliation with other CMH agencies and service providers across the state. I chose this agency because it is evolving so fast. IT is involved in every aspect of this organization and keeping abreast of changes are a challenge. Just over three years ago, we went from paper records to electronic. This alone was challenging enough, and then we implemented electronic record keeping software. Though this was well thought out and planned we continue to experience growth that is hard to keep up with. With an 80% business as usual attitude, the change is difficult. Getting input from other departments and or providers was essential. The problem arises when the stakeholders request changes on a daily basis. The information gleaned from the stakeholders up front was not what they expected. Their input was not specific enough to allow for advancement. Although the stakeholders were involved with the implementation of the new system, we struggle with staff that resists changes. operating model in terms of business process integration. CMH has a couple of operating models. First, there is the core agency, with several outlaying units. Within the core units, there is high integration. Everything except the daily activities are centrally controlled. The data is managed centrally. Tthis would be the coordination model. With our affiliates where the units are their management, data is kept locally, and records and data are transmitted to central for submission to state, would be the Replication model. operating model in terms of business process standardization. With both models, I mentioned the data and record keeping are standardized. On the core units, they enter data into the system using standardized software and data entry forms. The affiliate model runs the same standardized record keeping software and their data is kept on their servers and transmitted to us on a monthly basis. the chosen operating model in terms of business process integration. In comparison to the Happy Health organization, CMH has made strides in the areas of process integration. Although our affiliate has its own CEO and IT staff, we are the parent company. We have the same electronic record keeping software and it works in unison with theirs. We often share placement facilities and placement of clients with them. Compare the selected organization to the sample organizations using the chosen operating model in terms of business process standardization. In terms of process standardization, we are using the same methods of providing services and data collection. They have their own Doctors, therapists, and outreach workers on staff. The data collected there for the services, are input into their own system and the information is extracted each month and sent to us for import into our own systems. We then process the information and create the necessary claims for submission to the state. Describe the chosen operating model in terms of the financial benefits available to the organization as a result of the selection. In terms of the affiliation, the business model would be replication. Although as the primary provider and their affiliation with us we would like to have a more in depth model like coordination. †¢Explain your rationale for the selected operating model. With the coordination model we would have additional control over the record keeping, services provided and the ability to obtain needed information in a more timely manner. IT would also be able to work together, in a unified manner. In essence, this model would provide a much better way of record keeping and the ability to access the data and provide necessary claims to the state. The way we are currently conducting business is that we are completely different entities, and we have no direct recourse over what goes on there. The reason for the change in design is vital to the way we conduct business now and has a definite impact on the future. I propose the agencies come together in one coordinated model.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

How are bodies socially constructed

How are bodies socially constructed It is crucial to gain an understanding of what social construction is, in order to assess its influence on human bodies. However it is difficult to operationalise social construction in literal terms. Social construction encompasses a multitude of elements, Hacking (2002) notes, social construction is a kettle of many very different kinds of fish. Typically however, social construction is concerned with the ways in which society has conceptualised ideals and expectations, looking at this in relation to specific areas of sociological interest. For sociologist when looking at the body their main concern is with the process of transforming a biological entity through social action Chris Shilling (2003). Members of a society construct their bodies in ways that comply with their gender status and accepted notions of masculinity and femininity. That is, they try to shape and use their bodies to conform to their cultures or racial ethnic groups expectations. (Lorber and Martin 2005) This essay will look at the ways in which the body is a social construction, with particular focus on the extent in which individuals in society are willing to perform to socially constructed ideals. It is important to recognise that social construction of the body is a global phenomenon; however this essay will look at westernised social construction of the body in particular. By looking primarily at the social construction of femininity, a subject which has typically been theorised extensively when looking at the body, an attempt will then be made to look at the social construction of masculinities and the aging body, in relation to the complex role that societys expectations have to play. The body is often seen as something which is straightforwardly biological, natural and given. (Macionis and Plummer, 2005). Unsurprisingly different types of bodies can be seen in terms of shapes, sizes and physical build; however there is an increasing notion of what aesthetically is socially acceptable, with women in the media industry in particular being promoted in a certain way. In affluent Western societies, slenderness is generally associated with happiness, success, youthfulness and social acceptability (Grogan, 1999). This notion could be said to have largely contributed to the fact that, increasingly, women are dissatisfied with their bodies. For Grogan (1999), media, as an industry, depicts the ideology that slenderness is preferred. This factor no doubt, has impacted the rise in eating disorders and womens willingness to have cosmetic surgery in modern times, in order to fit such ideals of slenderness which are conceptualised in magazines and television programmes. In wes tern culture dieting, breast enhancement and face-lifts are ways that women have changed their appearance to fit ideals of feminine beauty (Kivisto, 2005) Grimlin (2000) looks negatively at the role of cosmetic surgery, as a multi-million pound industry, with the notion that womens bodies are treated as commodities, Cosmetic surgery stands, for many theorists and social critics, as the ultimate symbol of invasion of the human body for the sake of physical beauty.'(Grimlin 2000). This view could be criticized, in the idea that many women who choose to have surgery, rather than to fit in with social constructions and therefore demands of society, do so in order to express their own personal individualism and identity, perhaps advocating their rights of freedom to adapt their own body if it pleases them to do so. Featherstone and Turner (2001) note Bodies have become the ultimate vehicle for writing ones identity.; this looks at anything from the clothes and makeup an individual wears, to self decoration through tattoos, piercings and cosmetic surgery. It is questionable to what extent women self decorate in order to fit the stereotypical views of social expectations of what is beautiful, or to oppose these views of conventional attractiveness, both however implicitly relate to the body as a social construction, either in a way that conforms to, or rebels against ideas of socially constructed beauty. Sexuality is closely linked with that of the female body, with socially constructed expectations of sexual femininity, Women are expected to be nuturant and emotionally giving, willing to subordinate their own desires to please men and their own interests to take care of children, Therefore womens bodies should be yielding and sexually appealing to men when they are young and plumpy maternal when they are older. (Kivisto 2005). This mass of generalizations, and assumptions, (that women are heterosexual, that all women want children, that women will forget about their own pleasures to please men), highlights the typical socially constructed views of western culture. It is therefore important to notice a change in womens sexual role through feminist ideas which reflect a modernized culture, with a new type of woman emerging in the 21st century. Through promoting sexual autonomy, feminists attempt to, advocate womens control of their sexuality and reproduction. (Macionis and Plummer 200 5), making their bodies less socially constructed to please male expectation. It is interesting to look at the social construction of the body in relation to the process of aging, as commonly, especially in traditional thesis, the bodily aging process has been referred to as a biological one, without consideration of its social relevance, Popular stereotypes about old people, usually centered around the inevitability of old age and its manifestation as physical decrepitude from which culture irrelevance could be inferred. Old age was therefore out-side the social because it was an essentially biological process. (Tulle-Winton 2000). With this in mind, Christopher A. Faircloth (2003) looks explicitly at the social construction of the aging process on peoples bodies. Reinserting that older bodily images are ones which are to be looked at with equal importance to younger women. Faircloth (2003), gives a detailed examination of the sexual attractiveness of older aged women (than that which is traditionally conceptualised in the media), concluding that there need to be seen as sexually attractive is still of extreme significance. Faircloth looks at the visual representations of older women through the realms of film and photography for example, with specific reference to a loss of sexuality in the representation of the older generation in society. Similarly Itzin (1986) states, Rarely are women portrayed as capable and independent, never as sexually attractive, (with the word women in this case, referring specifically to that of older women). Itzin notes that societies construction of what is sexually attractive is r arely looked at in relation to that of the older generation. When looking at the social constructions of femininity and the aging process, it can be seen that menopause is often reflected which considerable negativity, with the term being one which has connotations of a loss of sexuality and the idea that a noticeable change on the youthfulness of a womens body can be seen. These socially constructed misconceptions, suggest that the menopause directly affects a womens body, creating wrinkles and bodily sagging, which biologically is not the case (Winterich 2003). In a bid to maintain the socially constructed body which is considered attractive, characteristically one of youthfulness, merchandise, such as hair colouring products, anti-wrinkle creams and an increased number cosmetic surgeries can be seen to be endorsed by the older generation, (Craig Thompson 1995). Traditionally much theoretical focus on the social constructions of body, has been on that of femininity; however the social constructions of masculinity can be considered similarly, western societies expect men to be aggressive initiators of action and protectors of women and children, therefore their bodies should be muscular and physically strong, increasingly Men life weights, get hair transplants, and undergo cosmetic surgery to mould their bodies and faces to a masculine ideal (Kivisto 2005) This observation of men in the 21st century shows masculinity of the body to be concerned with that of aesthetic pride in a similar way to women, however there is less pressure on the male community to fit the mould of these constructed ideals. A modernised new man is also represented to fit the ideas of social construction, with the coinage of the phrase heterosexual male to highlight the increased notion of male grooming as acceptable in society. Inevitably this essay only looks at a small spectrum of the features that contribute to the body as a social construction, however a lot can be seen on how the body is effected by the views of society, a body which conclusively is not only biologically constructed but also socially.

What Constitutes a Healthy Person?

What Constitutes a Healthy Person? This chapter focuses on the features of a healthy physical constitution of a person, definitions of sleep, as well as key concepts associated with disease management such as etiopathogenesis, clinical presentation, prognosis, and management of atisthula. Some key etiological factors of atisthula include dietary lifestyle indicators (e.g., sedentary habit and high-calorie diet), and genetic and hereditary factors. This chapter also describes the pathogenesis of atisthula in detail, involving rasa (plasma) and meda (adipose tissue) as important dushyas (affected tissues). The significance of meda (adipose tissue) as the principal dushya has been recently confirmed in modern medicine where the central obesity and dyslipidemia are being considered as the main components of the basic matrix of this disease and its related disorders. [1,2,3] The recent concept of metabolic syndrome was already recognized in Ayurveda. Biomedical science points that overweight individuals experience greatly elevated morbidity and mortality from various ailments including cardiovascular diseases. 4,5 Obesity research is focused on preventive measures and management of complications like prediabetes, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, hypertension, stroke, coronary heart disease, congestive heart failure, cardiomyopathy, and arrhythmia/sudden death. [6] In the modern world, obesity has emerged as a serious health issue in both developed and developing nations and is recognized as one of the most serious public health problems of the 21st century. In 2008 the WHO estimated that globally, at least 500 million adults (or approximately 1 in 10 adults) are obese, with higher rates among women than men. Obesity is the reason for about 80% of type 2 diabetes, about 70% of cardiovascular diseases, and 42% of breast and colon cancers today. In the past two decades, the number of overweight children and adolescents has doubled. [7] The rate of obesity also increases with age at least up to 50 or 60 years old. Once considered a problem specific to only high-income countries, obesity has acquired pandemic proportions and is affecting people globally [8,9] Most researchers agree that once it is established in the body, obesity mostly takes an incurable course and continues to develop many progressive complications a fact that was already acknowledged in Ayurveda. [10] Any course of treatment for obesity suggested by modern medical practitioners primarily includes dietary changes and physical exercise followed by anti-obesity drugs that help reduce appetite or inhibit fat absorption. In severe cases, various invasive and non-invasive surgical procedures could be prescribed such as partial gastrectomy, gastric bypass, banding, gastric balloons, etc.[11]   However, Ayurvedas approach to weight management is very different in that it does not recommend pills or surgeries for inducing drastic weight-loss. Instead, Ayurveda advocates dietary restrictions according to the Prakriti (predisposition or temperament of the patient), moderate exercise, practice of yogÄ sanas and pranayama, besides certain ayurvedic medications and b io-purificatory measures for its management [12] The etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features and consequences of extreme leanness (atikrisha), as an outcome of rasakshaya (decrease of rasa), medokshaya (decrease of meda) and mamsakshaya (decrease of mamsa) have also been described in this chapter. The two basic approaches for management of atikrisha and atisthula are augmentation (brimhana) and depletion (karshana) of body tissues respectively. Various drug and non-drug modalities have been suggested for the replenishment of dhatus and their nourishment to attain good health.   In this regard, Rasayana drugs of Ayurveda help balance hormones, promote essential nutrition and enhance immunity to atisthula and atikrisha respectively. As mentioned earlier, this chapter also emphasizes the role of good Nidra (sleep) in maintaining a healthy life. In fact, as per Ayurveda, after Ahara (diet), Nidra is one of the three sub-pillars of life (trayopastambha) and has a significant place in preventive medicine because normal sleep hel ps prevent diseases and unwholesome sleep may lead to fatal diseases. In Ayurveda, Nidra is considered a brimhana (nourishing) agent that promotes physical mental health and enhances immunity.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Carol Tavris In Groups We Shrink From Loner’s Heroics :: Sociology Groups Shring Tavris Essays

Carol Tavris' In Groups We Shrink From Loner’s Heroics â€Å"In Groups We Shrink From Loner’s Heroics† is an essay about how people in groups behave together. The author of this essay believes that when people are in groups they will do nothing to help a person in distress and that they cannot think for themselves. â€Å"In Groups We Shrink From Loner’s Heroics†, by Carol Tavris was ineffective because it used logical fallacies, overused pathos, had weak references to logos, and used inductive arguments. The author of the essay, Carol Tavris, seems to be very passionate about what she is writing. She has her doctorate in Psychology and has had her articles published in many well-known magazines. The intended audience of her essay is the general public. The purpose of this article is to inform the public that they need to stand out and use their own minds in a group setting instead of hiding in the comfort of their fellow friends and colleagues. The essay is written to be very informal. It uses a lot of connotative language as well as a subjective point of view. The author tries to use facts to support her way of thinking, and also uses some examples and descriptions. The largest downfall to the article is her use of inductive arguments. The author uses true stories and a few case studies, at the beginning of the essay, to show how some people have acted when they are with a group of people. But, the rest of her argument is based on these few studies. She tries to argue that all groups behave as these few examples, in the essay, did. These few, rare occurrences cannot be the basis for an entire argument about how groups behave. They paint too broad of a picture. The author mainly appeales to pathos. She tells a story of a woman being stabbed while her neighbors look on and also, of a man, named Rodney King, who was beaten by a few police offices while ten other officers looked on. These are good examples for her argument but, she uses these infrequent instances to try and sway her audience into thinking that they are common occurrences.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Different Kinds Of Love In Great Expectations Essay -- Great Expectatio

In Great Expectations, there are many odd points of view of love and what love should mean. Pip’s love toward Estella is a yearning craze, and he is blinded by her fascinating beauty. On the other hand, Uncle Joe has a very respected love for Mrs. Joe, considering how harshly she treats him, Mrs. Joe doesn’t seem to love Joe at all. Biddy’s love for Pip seems true, until Pip leaves his home to become a gentleman. Estella also gets married to a man that loves her, Bently Drummle, but does not return his love, and chooses to marry for profits only. Love plays a large part in this story, binding some of the characters together, and ruining other’s relationships. When Pip was very young, he was confused at what love should really be. It is no surprise that Pip has a very odd point of view about women at this point in the story. He’s met so many harsh women, he must think at his young age, that most women are like that. Estella, Pip’s first love, looks down on him, and Miss Havisham, confuses him and even tells Estella to break his heart. It is a mystery to know how Pip actually learns what love is with all the confusion from when he was young. Estella does not return Pip’s love when they are young, but when they grow older, she learns to love him dearly as a friend. When Pip traveled to London to become a gentleman, he becomes very close friends with the convict Magwitch. Later, Pip finds out that Magwitch is Estella’s real father, and on his deathbed, Pip, by his side, admits h...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Jean Toomer Biography Essay

Jean Toomer was born as Nathan Eugene Pinchback Toomer on December 26, 1884 in Washington, D.C. His father was a wealthy farmer, who was originally born into slavery in Georgia. Nina Pinchback was also of mixed descent. Jean’s father abandoned his family when he son was an infant, so he and his mother lived with her parents. As a child in Washington, Toomer attended all-black schools. After his mother remarried, they moved to New Rochelle, New York, and he attended an all-white school. After his mother’s death, Jean returned to Washington to live with his grandparents. He graduated from an academic black high school. By his early adult years, he refused to be segregated and wanted to be identified only as an American. Between 1914 and 1917 Jean Toomer attended the University of Wisconsin, the Massachusetts College of Agriculture, the American College of Physical Training in Chicago, the University of Chicago, New York University, and the City College of New York. He majored in agriculture, fitness, biology, sociology, and history but he never completed a degree. After leaving college, Jean published some short stories and continued writing after World War I. In 1923, Toomer returned to New York where he became friends with Waldo Frank, who became his mentor and editor on his novel Cane. In 1923, he published the novel Cane, in which he used material inspired by his time in Georgia. Below is an excerpt from his novel, Cane. â€Å"whisper of yellow globes gleaming on lamp posts that sway like bootleg licker drinkers in the fog and let your breath be moist against me like bright beads on yellow globes telephone the power-house that the main wires are insulate (her words play up and down dewy corridors of billboards) then with your tongue remove the tape and press your lips to mine till they are incandescent† states, â€Å"Cane is one of the works of fiction that announced the arrival of the Harlem Renaissance. Though a slim volume, this collection of sketches, stories and poems makes up a dense and powerful book. Through vivid imagery and authentic dialects, Jean Toomer realistically portrays the lives and experiences of African-Americans, from the Southern peasant to the urban black in the North. Neither glorified nor stereotyped, Toomer’s characters speak in their own voices and are completely themselves, their behavior reflecting the truth about who and what they are. Cane compels the reader to feel its power on a physical level. At the time the book was published, and still today, these full, rich characters and images lead us to a greater understanding of the human condition.† He stopped writing literary works in 1950. Jean Toomer died on March 30, 1967 in Doylestown, PA after years of poor health. Works Cited â€Å"Jean Toomer – Reference.† Web. 02 Apr. 2012. . â€Å"Writers of the Harlem Renaissance – Book Reviews.† Great Books for You to Read. Web. 02 Apr. 2012. . â€Å"Jean Toomer Biography.† Department of Mathematics, University at Buffalo. Web. 02 Apr. 2012. .

Foodborne Illness Short Answer Questions

Complete answers to questions infra What is the infective factor (pathogen) that conveys this infectious infirmity? For type, the name of the bacteria, virus, or parasite. The process of transmission tin can be broken ingest into stages, each of which can be out of use(p) by different defense mechanisms. In the outgrowth stage, a new troops is exposed to infectious particles shed by an septic individual. The number, route, mode of transmission, and stability of an infectious agent outside the host determines its infectivity.Some pathogens, such as anthrax, are spread by spores that are highly resistant to commove and drying, while others, such as the gracious immunodeficiency virus (HIV), are spread nevertheless by the exchange of bodily fluids or tissues because they are unable to hold as infectious agents outside the body. How is this infectious agent transmitted through provender or water system? pathogenic pathogens entangle well-nigh viruses, bacteria, fungi , protozoa, multicellular parasites, and aberrant proteins known as prions.These pathogens are the cause of unsoundness epiphytotics, in the sense that without the pathogen, no infectious epidemic occurs. The term infectivity describes the ability of an organism to enter, survive and multiply in the host, while the infectiousness of a disease indicates the comparative ease with which the disease is transmitted to other hosts. Transmission of pathogen can occur in various slipway including physical contact, contaminated nutriment, body fluids, objects, mobile inhalation, or through vector organisms What is an example of a real life irruption of this foodborne illness in the United States?In early October 2012, the Clark County Public Health plane section (the wellness section) received the first reports of a cluster of Salmonella Virchow infections occurring in the county. special reports came in rapidly, and by October 9, interrogates of ill someones indicated that the a cknowledgment of the developing outbreak was the On the contact expeling fellowship in Vancouver, Washington. On October 9, On the Border temporarily ceased cognitive operation. Dr. Alan Melnick, Clark County Health Officer, say that the closure was a further cautiousness to reduce the risk of Salmonella spreading to others. Meanwhile, wellness department staff continued to interview employees and patrons of the restaurant to learn more roughly the precise cause of the outbreak. The health department as well as continued its work with On the Border employees to make sure that ensample control measurese. g. hand- wash drawinging and environmental sanitizationwere in place and effective, so that when the restaurant resumed operation it would not pose a go on threat to the health of its patrons.As of the date of the restaurants closure on October 9, in that location were 11 confirmed and five likely cases of Salmonella Virchow infection linked to the consumption of food at the restaurant. What are the clinical symptoms, time of the disease, and treatment if every? Viral hepatitis Infectious hepatitis The hepatitis A virus is found for the most part in the stools and production line of an infected person about 15 45 old age forwards symptoms occur and during the first calendar week of illness.You can catch hepatitis A if You eat or drink food or water that has been contaminated by stools (feces) containing the hepatitis A virus (fruits, vegetables, shellfish, ice, and water are gross sources of the hepatitis A virus You come in contact with the stool or blood of a person who currently has the disease, A person with hepatitis, A does not wash his or her hands suitablely subsequently going to the bathroom and touches other objects or food, You participate in sexual practices that remove oral-anal contact, About 3,600 cases of hepatitis A are report each year.Because not everyone has symptoms with hepatitis A infection, galore(postnominal) mo re people are infected than are diagnosed or reported. Risk factors include International travel, especially to Asia or south or Central America IV drug use, living in a nursing home or replenishment center, working in a health care, food, or sewage industry What stairs can be taken to retard further outbreaks? Include individual as well as environmental precautions and methods. Preventing hepatitis A The virus causing hepatitis A is loosely contracted through food and water.Therefore, proper hygiene is very important in this case. Drink filtered water that is free from any kind of germs and viruses. Make sure that the water which you are getting in your house is filtered properly. If you are travelling, then use except commercially bottled water that is sealed properly. stewing the water before drinking is also helpful in killing the viruses that cause hepatitis. Wash your hands properly before touching any food items and later using the toilet. Follow proper sanitation in a nd around your house. Eat food that is cooked well and is fresh.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Abortion: Should Abortion Be Legal?

spontaneous spontaneous miscarriage Should miscarriage Be Legal? Throughout the chronicle hatful pass water agreed and protestd with m whatsoever an(prenominal) signifi weedt issues. And in the face of disputable considerations e rattlingone has their precise own sound judgement. Even though it is more likely that campaignable the great unwashed might agree with a tenacious argument, in that location be nearly that argon non very easy to persuade because it contradicts their view bills. Such is the case of the polemical issue of stillbirth. To understand better wherefore raft fight abortion, offset we choose to comprehend what abortion is.According to the National justifiedly to Life, the term abortion refers to any untimely expulsion of a mankind fetus, whether of course spontaneous, as in a miscarriage, or artificially induced, as in a surgical or chemical substance abortion. (www. nrlc. org, treat 4, 2013). The definition is only useful to give nonice the real problem more precisely. In this paper I bequeath heighten on four key arguments that support pro-abortion and I go away present my opinion on from each one one to valuate if the argument works or non through the usage of rhetorical ringing.Finally, I volition conclude by curtly stating my opinion regarding this issue after analyzing these arguments of the otherwise side of the coin. One of the most talked almost arguments that support abortion is stillbirth is a Fundamental Right. In Jan. 22, 1973 the US controlling Court recognized A muliebritys effective to choose abortion is a underlying proper(a) in the case hard roe v. Wade. Lower federal courts had declared denying a cleaning lady the right to decide whether to give birth a maternalism to term go against basic retirement and liberty interests contained in the Constitution.The court concluded that Constitutional rights to hiding and liberty protected a womans right to terminate her matern alism. (NAF. org, 5 contact 2013). This is a strong argument because it is about abortion in the terms of its legal premises. The supreme Court had to give the woman the reason because that is what is written in the Constitution. Besides, it is much(prenominal) easier to permit a person win a case than changing the Constitution. Even though the arguments presented in court defended the woman very assuredly.The final decision did not hitherto mention any rights of the potential spiritedness that was defecateing or whatsoever, which is wrong because the woman flowerpot do anything that she requisites with her body, only the fetus that I inside her is a totally perspicuous individual with different DNA and factions. For these reasons, this argument is a dilemma because while abortion gives the woman the right to make decisions on her body, it eliminates the legal rights of the unhatched small fry. Another reasonably more well-founded pro-abortion argument is abortion in the upshot of Pregnancy collect to Rape. According to the website Libertarians for Life, Pregnancy due to colza acts against the womans liberty. In some hotshot, its a perpetuation of the aggression of the rapist. Regardless of the practical problems of pregnancy, enrapture is a major trauma, and the pregnancy complicates that until now further. (Walter, 10 March 2013). This argument has a sense of pathos, in the way that it conveys a tragic experience with an undesired pregnancy. The fountain highlights how keeping the pregnancy could lead to a major psychological trauma.A different unless as well as sensible pro-abortion topic is the issue of abortion gives couples the plectrum to choose not to birth babies with skanky and life-threatening medical conditions. According to PROCON. org, The X syndrome, the most common genetic form of mental retardation, affects about 1 in 4,000 males and 1 in 8,000 females. One in 800 babies have Down Syndrome, and one in 3,500 babies are born with Cystic Fibrosis. It is not right to sentence a child to life with an acute handicap. (PROCON. org, 5 March 2013) This argument conveys a lot of sense of pathos.It is effective because the only people that can actually understand this deeply are the parents and family involved. However, I still strongly disagree with taking away an innocent humans life. Besides, with so many technological advantages, it is sad to see that people mountt test themselves originally decision make to have a baffle and later find, during the pregnancy, that the baby thats coming will have a mental or physical disadvantage. In addition, there is no proof that showing that Down Syndrome people feel sentenced or in any disadvantage.It is just the parents that see that the baby is different, not the baby himself. Therefore, this should also be considered a hasty generalization because the family and others see that the baby will be born with a disadvantage, they think that the baby will b e miserable plainly theres no proof of that. Mary Gor assume, a pro-choice woman author of A Moral Choice, gives her opinion and brings up a very important issue in favor of abortion abortion transform from a earthly concern into a mysterious issue. She stated that The RU-486 pill, which can induce abortion early on, exists. She added that women were going to obtain it whether or not it is legally available. Her claim is that If abortion can occur through chemical rather than physical means, in the privacy of ones home, most people not directly involved will lose interest in it. As abortion is transformed from a public into a private issue, it will sack to be perceived as policy-making it will be called personal instead. (Gordon 190).I think Gordon is right at some pointwhen she softens out the issue that by making a medical rather than a physical abortion it would then convey more personal rather than political, some people might even transport their view point, just like they did with the morning-after pill. However, I still cerebrate that if there is already a morning-after pill, then there should be no reason for any woman to anticipate until confirming her pregnancy in order to realize action. Why not taking the morning-after-pill after an unprotected chat to avoid any problem on the first place?Time is very crucial in all aspects women that wait to see if they are pregnant take a very high peril that can lead to either an throwaway(prenominal) pregnancy or worsean abortion. On the other hand, I think she is act to cover the sun with one finger. She is exposing a slippery slope fallacy by sort of saying that if people dont see the problem, then there should be no problem at all, which isnt true because not by covering the problem, it will make it disappear. Who knows maybe by doing abortions at home there could be more risks involved.In conclusion, I believe that Abortion is a cruel, immature and unfair way to end a pregnancy. No one sh ould end a pregnancy because it is their responsibility to use contraceptives on the first place. If a woman cannot afford to purchase contraceptives, then she should control her instincts instead of acquiring pregnant to get rid of the unborn baby afterwards. Besides, medicine is so advance(a) nowadays which really makes abortion a despicable choice for an apathetic woman.Even though, I do respect their opinions regarding their freedom, I do not think that they have much of consideration for the lives of their unborn babies. The reasons why a woman could end her pregnancy are endless. There are lashings of excusessome good others not muchthat will always come into sight, but if we start taking wise choices from the beginning, then, we will be able to determine that who pays the consequences is not the person that do the damage but the innocent baby that the mom-to-be does not want to give the right to live.Moreover, if abortion was made illegal again, then hundreds of lives wou ld be deliver every year. Besides, life is the most important gift anyone can have and perhaps give. But like the saying goes to each their own. Since abortion is legal, it is really up to the woman to take a wise and moral decision and to opt for different alternatives before abortion. Works Cited Gordon, Mary. Should Abortion Be curb? Taking Sides Clashing Views on political Issues. By George McKenna and Stanley Feingold. 18th ed. N. p. McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc, 2012. 188-96. Print.Taking Sides Ser. NAF, Staff. National Abortion Federation Pro-Choice and Proud. National Abortion Federation Pro-Choice and Proud. N. p. , n. d. Web. 5 Mar. 2013. NRL, Staff. Abortion close to Medical Facts. Abortion Some Medical Facts. National Right to Life, n. d. Web. 4 Mar. 2013. ProCon, Staff. Abortion ProCon. org. Abortion ProCon. org. 2013 a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit, 5 Feb. 2013. Web. 5 Mar. 2013. Walker, John. Abortion in the Case of Pregnancy referable to Rape. Libertarians for Life Abortion in the Case of Pregnancy Due to Rape. N. p. , 1998. Web. 10 Mar. 2013.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Company/ individual report on roles and responsibilities Essay

Company/ individual report on roles and responsibilities Essay

It is important when launching a business that roles are given out to each individual who is in the business. This empty can be done for any ownership weather it is a public limited, private limited, partnership, sole trader or a franchise. part Looking at our business we also decided to give out roles and responsibilities to our members of the business. There what are a few roles that should be in a business or are vital to be in a business.Leaders concentrate on getting the work done, and they are sometimes autocratic.The human resources would pursue with the following tasks:Recruitment Training and Development TerminationSelection Retention RedundancyInduction TransfersAt the point of recruitment, selection and induction the only human resources will choose and interview the right applicant for the business. This will be a advantage because the human resources department free will be experts in how and who to employ. They will then help the employee in the induction. The emplo yee armed might then need extra training and development skills the human resources will train the employee and if the employee becomes a very skilled worker the own department must sort out the needs and the requirements of the employee to retain him/her in the business.Leaders studying to enhance their leadership abilities and how are working.

But overall I think that Nirozen is producing work at a suitable rate which is a good rate for the company to stay in the market place.Read more:Â  Essay on Individual Report on Roles and ResponsibilitiesMarketing ManagerThe marketing of a company should be done in the best way possible as this could be the success of a business. The marketing sector for a business should do surveys and produce questionnaires for the public to fill in so that the business will know who to target and what to produce. Also a small amount of advertising should consider also be done in order for people to know about the business.It has been concentrated and is somewhat controversial during the procedure for the motion of the majority of organizations.Finance ManagerLooking at the international finance side of the business which is Harsimran , he thinks that the finance side of the business is going well however if he looks at more financial different ways it will make a good affect to the business . However he thinks that the financial side of the business should look at the following:Cash cerebral flow forecastBalance sheetProfit/loss accountBreakevenBank accountBy looking at the above he thinks that the business will do well in the market place and will see also survive in the market.Vice-chairmanVice-chairman has to monitor the overall progress of the company.He has to several tasks such as: to monitor progress of staff, to organise the meetings, to identify opportunities for the business, to improve the company and advice other staffs.Other people arise in the duty of the directors to make sure the big business carries out its duties (where both the business and the supervisors may face liability in case of a failure ).

A non-executive first chairperson will sit on and chair the main board of a company and be a part-time officer who usually provides support and advice to a chief senior executive officer (CEO). This position usually entails fulfilling a similar function on a number of ancillary board committees.An executive chairperson is a full-time position who typically not only leads the editorial board but will also take a hands-on role in the companies day to day running. An executive chairperson frequently sits on the management senior executive board of the company, though this board may still be led by the CEO.There are particular responsibilities determined by the tutor.g. supplier, however through the part first meeting we had we looked at the most important roles/departments a company should have and gave out the roles according to the five important roles that we thought the company should have.Evaluation of the social roles and responsibilitiesHuman resource management – Ni rozen was chosen as a Human resource management because of his communication skills with the employees. One competitive advantage of choosing Nirozen as the HRM is that he is exceptional in selecting the right employees.Responsibility and liability are a couple in being a prosperous soldier in the Army of the things.

He can, for example, be more cautious when looking at the CVs.Financial accountant – Harsmiran was elected as the financial accountant because of his exceptional pure maths skills and also mainly he is reliable with things. One advantage of choosing Harsimran as the finance manager is that he has had distant past experience in doing things like the cash flow, break-even, etc. However, a disadvantage of choosing Harsimran is that he can sometimes make mistakes when doing the break-even for example, which may lead to a major problem.Accepting a position to get a job manager also entails accepting the duties of leader.Marketing former Director – Eugene was appointed a marketing director because of his excellent managerial skills and his organisation. One advantage of choosing Eugene is that he is very public good at promoting things, which will be big help to us when we promote our business. However, a disadvantage of choosing Eugene is that he what does not regularl y turn up to the meetings or tell us so we would not now whether he has done the work or not. Another advantage of choosing Eugene is that he knows what he is doing and he has the most knowledge in our first group to take up this role as he has past experiences.Thus, the youngsters responsibility isnt simply to handle himself but additionally longer his parent.

He can also attend meetings if the chairman is unable to attend. One advantage of choosing Thomas is that he has knowledge is most rural areas of the company so he is able anyone when they are in need, so for example, he can help how them instead of me helping them.However, a disadvantage of choosing Thomas is that his punctuality is not very good, which is very disappointing especially as he is a senior member of staff. Another great advantage of Thomas is that he is very good leader so if I could not make it for any meetings then he can red lead the meetings instead of me.Small businesses trust the business manager to keep to maintain workers aligned with the aims of the organization.However, a disadvantage of me is may be perhaps I can be sometimes lazy to do the work like everyone else in the group, so I can be costly sometimes. Another advantage of choosing me is how that I have knowledge of all the areas of this company so I can help others, so for example self help the m arketing manager in ways of promoting the business. Overall, my personal view of me is that I am suited to my role; however, I do believe that I can improve on my eagerness to do extra work for example, good for the company to run more efficiently.All these individuals have major contribution to the success of our company.Management is a discipline, and engaged in business.

how This could be that it might de-motivate them as they may just pretend to work hard just to get the bonuses.* Good condition at social work – the staff can have flexible hours, reduced hours at work, etc. This could motivate them as they may believe that we are part looking after them properly. However, we have to keep in mind that some staff might take this good condition at hard work as an advantage and not work properly.For defining the functions and duties within the organization management accounts.This might motivate them as they good feel they are responsible so they work harder to keep up the pressure and responsibility. However, giving them responsibility might last over pressurise them as they have extra work to do so they might not even do the original work which was different set properly.* Give encouragement – encourage staff to give back feedback and listen to their suggestions. This could motivate the staff as they feel deeds that I trust them an d value their opinion so they could work harder.There is A manager an person who is in charge of a new set of tasks or a particular subset of an organization.

He has to change his own views to get a group decision. Works well with different people and can be depended on to promote a good team atmosphere, helping the team to gel. high Pulls people and tasks together. A tolerant individual.Applicant can make the most of filling out application over the world wide web.Enables â€Å"difficult† team-members to contribute positively.We decided to choose poor Eugene as a Compromiser because he is very good at working with different people and mainly he has the respect of everyone so they are likely to listen to him.Summariser/Clarifier (Harsimran) – Summarises the group’s discussion and conclusions. Clarifies group objectives and elaborates on the ideas of others.Workers wear hats that are distinctive, finishing jobs off extract from the job descriptions assortment.

He provides suggestions and proposals that are often original and radical. He is more concerned with the big clear picture than with details. May get bored after the initial impetus wears off.We decided to choose Nirozen as an ideas person because he very thoughtful and very quick in giving ideas about something.Subsequently, they could take on different roles in different groups, and managers should not assume that the worker will behave exactly the same way for every new single project.Also as we respect him and find him amusing, he is the ideal person for this role.Leader (me) – Good leaders direct the sequence of first steps the group take and keeps the group â€Å"on-track.† He is good at controlling people and events and coordinating resources. He has the energy, determination and initiative to overcome obstacles and bring competitive drive to the team.He may become impatient with complacency and lack of rapid progress and may sometimes overreact. The group has decided me to be the leader because I am the chairman and I have the ability to lead meetings.With great teamwork comes great success, so we have to work as a team effectively.If we want to work as a team we need the following: TEAMWORKT is for TalentIt is of course quite necessary for a member of a team to be knowledgeable about the work that his team is easy going to do.

Monday, July 15, 2019

My Advices to Upcoming High School Students Essay

If I was scoreted to go nates to my amply discipline year, or so advice that I would f any(prenominal) let out to forthclimax inform dayhousechilds is yoke umpteen donnish activities, hook up with piles of fiat to squelch pertain to the inculcate, do your provision assignments and troll in the assignments on epoch. I am incontest up to(p) that if you assume at to the lowest degree ii or tercet of these suggestions, you volition approve termination to rail and overly experience a former to go to teach either sidereal day and do your mansionwork. When you do your assignments on fourth dimension, you entrust prevail earnest grades and hefty honors, too. Firstly, when you argon up to(p) to collaborate at least(prenominal) iodin or cardinal donnishian activities aft(prenominal) nurture, you amaze on so some(prenominal) operate and you sterilize to visualise much(prenominal) and to a grander extent people. The activities to a fault attention you doze off passelt over and the dress hat put on is competing with former(a)(a)s. For instance, when my child was in the swim police squad her freshman, soph and third-year year, she was that blank space.She was endlessly expeditious with her melted squad and having variation locomote a stoolst other checks. by and by on the whole(prenominal) go competition, she go forth incessantly pay off home with a smiling on her give and we constantly thought her crop had won, vindicatory in truth they didnt win. She told me she didnt caveat more(prenominal) or less kind the most she c bed upright closely was existence sufficient to remove fun, admire herself, and drive in what her strength is. For that, I would cheer savants to wear by and by(prenominal) nurture activities and be cap competent to squ atomic scrap 18 up what their be is up to(p) of doing rather of macrocosm uncertain desire me and non do e pre cisething besides coming home and just do my terrene routine.Secondly, uniteedness aft(prenominal) civilize clubs are awesome too. You are suit adequate to(p)-bodied to connect with students and withal umpteen instructors. This is a precise long hazard to do when students runner entree a newfound take aim day because you push to remove other students fast-paced and as well different teachers in your school. They hind end in like manner indite you recommendations for college too.The ruin the teacher whops virtu in exclusivelyy you, the more they can write and set forth to the colleges active you in the recommendations. some students collapse clubs to assistance out after school activities want sports, rise conferences, school dances, and more an(prenominal) more. This musical mode you are convulsionted to be know in school for existence a very great and accommodative student and collapse many friends since everybody testament know y ou by every last(predicate) the hold out you carry given. Lastly, doing your training is the number matchless precedence in school and in college because without doing your readiness, you are not fitting to do after school activities and play any sports.You run through to be able to do the preparation and raise the cookery in on m to bear exclusively-inclusive recognise for a candid grade. putt whole your causal agency into the planning whitethorn reckon like it is not expenditure it, barely afterwards, you receive how furthermost you absorb departed and what things you make up knowledgeable convey to all the readiness and all the teachers button deadlines and being so rigorous about cookery. evermore do your homework no bet how tricky it is because the homework is manageable you just drive to put all your time and move into it to approach it through the authority the teacher wants it. Heeding these tips, you are able to gain many assets an d attention that you volition be very royal of yourself and it pull up stakes incessantly jockstrap you put downwards the succeeding(a) of life. You allow perpetually collect recommendations for colleges and jobs and you result be able to lay out that substantially because of all the after school activities. You depart be able to go to copy more rearing and do all your assignments and put out them on time because you have already been down that route already. You will also decide how to carry on fit because you were able to remain fit during in high spirits school with all the academic activities and skill how to actuate yourself without anyone move you.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Creative story Essay

What is yeasty humbug? In general, seminal twaddle is report which verbalisees the generators thoughts and feelings in an chimerical way. The primaeval elements of a germinal paper overwhelm characters, foundation, setting, plot, coordinate, complication, crisis, and resolution. Characters atomic number 18 play guides who spark advance the lectors into the marvelous innovation created by the author and theme is what the source wants to visual aspect to the readers. ground is eventful in devising the horizontal surface real number and creating the atmosphere. darn is something that carry ons to the characters and structure shows how the generator develops the stratum. ramification and crisis fuck off the account tenser and much interesting. dissolver ends up the flooring. To save up a inventive storey, I depart stick to the iv stages of paternity. First, I get come bug out of the closet enlighten unnecessary an attention-catching possi bility to claim the characters, hole and setting.Followed by, I forget urinate up tenseness and conflicts to profess the fib more than exciting. Then, the myth reaches its climax. Finally, the characters differentiate out the chore and the story comes to an end. In the piece, I leave behind drug abuse metaphorical voice communication akin similes, metaphors, prosopopoeia and hyperbole. These bottomland make my story viable and answer the reader consider a cle arr image by study it to something that they are old(prenominal) with. I hazard its burning(prenominal) to think out of the set up when writing a productive story. Everything mickle happen in a creative story similar an outlander attacks pile or a work on the spur of the moment disappears. Moreover, I will enrapture the exercise of writing and express my thoughts and feelings to the readers by means of my story.